The Deacons of Woody are volunteers responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the church and work with the Pastor and Elders to ensure the ministry runs as smoothly as possible. This involves making decisions about a wide variety of things from health and safety to finances to procuring equipment. Deacons are chosen by the church members and voted in annually at the church AGM (Annual General Meeting).

Judy Davies

Judy is our part-time administrator working in the office on Mondays and Thursdays. She has been involved at Woodville since 1995 and has been a deacon and church secretary since September 2006. Judy and her husband Steve have two grown up children.

Justin Chaloner

Justin is a freelance filmmaker, working mainly on marketing films for corporate clients. He is married to Annabel and has two children. When he’s not making films, he likes watching them (mostly on Netflix!) but also spends his spare time writing, reading, drawing and going for walks in the countryside.

Tom Fok

Tom came to Woody as a student in 2012 and was part of the gap year team in 2015/16. He has served in many areas of the church and he is currently part of the tech team as well as health and safety officer.  Tom and his wife Anna have a young daughter and they lead the Justice life group together, as well as running the Cardiff Hygiene Bank.

Dave Garner

Dave Garner is the newest member of the diaconate. Full bio coming soon!